Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday Blog Post: Random Inspiration

Sometimes, when you're doing anything else besides writing, inspiration walks up and smacks you in the face. I've read the testimonies of other writers, who talked about solving plot issues while going out for a walk, doing laundry, playing with their dog, you name it.

Me? I was listening to music. Procrastinating writing, because I didn't want to sit down at my desk yet.

I've been toying with the idea of a short story collection, filled with fictionalized stories about each of my exes. I'm at the point where I'm brainstorming ideas, figuring out what would work, what won't, and the like. And today, I'm bouncing around my room listening to "Down and Out" by The Academy Is... and "Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today" by Fall Out Boy when it hits me: the title of my collection.

Never Burned My Bridges.

I like this because it implies a few things. One, that I'm the type who doesn't let anything go, which I am. Two, that at least some of the people I'd be basing characters on are ones I would like to talk to again, but have "burned the bridge" and want nothing to do with me. I like the image of saying you've walked away, that it doesn't matter and you can't go back, but in reality, you're still standing there on the other side of the bridge, hoping to cross it.

Considering that I'm usually crap with titles, I'm excited to find one that might work. Now I just have to get up and actually work on the project. We'll see when - if - my ideas come together.

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