Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Writing Prompt: In Hiding

So, first off, many apologies for not getting a writing response up last week! Friday was my big moving day and, needless to say, it left me exhausted. I'm not the kind of person who likes to stare at boxes, so most of my time this weekend has been devoted to getting things in order and finding out where the hell I put everything.

I've not forgotten about writing, however. I'm getting back into the routine of my daily writing practice and, of course, posting to this here blog. This week's prompt is inspired by my kitty, Lily, who is currently quite angry with me for moving her into a new place.

The prompt is in hiding. That's right, Lily has not come out of the basement since I brought her to our new home. I got her to come out for kitty treats this morning, but that's it. Perhaps this prompt will work for you - either coaxing a difficult character to talk, giving good reasons for going into hiding, whatever the case may be.

As for me? I'm going to try and write in between begging my kitty to come out and play. I'll let you know on Friday how successful I've been.


Don't like this week's prompt? Check out previous ones through the Monday Writing Prompt tag.

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