Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday Blog Post: "Real Life" and Writing

Wrting has always been a pasttime I have considered "fun." I don't need to get paid to do what I do, though it would be nice; I write because I have all these ideas in my head and it's what I like to do.

This week, though, it's been hard. Though I'm still doing my writing practice every day, it doesn't seem like I'm getting anything productive out of it. No flashes of insight, no moments of, "I have to keep writing." I put words down on the page for 20 minutes and then I close the notebook, get up and do something else. It's become a chore, and I'm really sad to say that.

I have a lot of things going on in my life right now, and I'm sure that's contributing to the current lack of inspiration I feel. I can't quite call it writer's block, since the ideas are there, it's that I'm unwilling to work on them. I've spent the last couple of months working on bits and pieces of the Imperial Story; maybe it's time to try something new for a while. At this rate, it couldn't hurt, and Andros and Anitra will still be there when I get back to them.

I think my biggest fear is that the drive, the inspiration won't come back. But I haven't given up, not by a long shot. I'll just spend every day in front of my notebook, even if it's only for 20 minutes, and see what words pour out of me.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't written anything in years. And finally only recently have I started again. It's hard to get back into the flow of it though. So much drama in the past years. Feels like I lost my inspiration and muse. Funny thing is that I think the drama has gotten so heavy now that it inspires me to write cause when I write its the only time that I don't have to think about the drama anymore.
