Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Writing Response for September 11, 2009

My fears were for nothing - I have something to show for this week's prompt! Granted, it was not written quite the way I had expected; I left my writing prompt book and journal at my boyfriend's house yesterday, and filled in with my kickaround notebook. For anyone who knows me, and how OCD I can be about routines and schedules, this kind of freaked me out this morning. But, never fear - I still managed to write something, even if it's not in the right notebook.

The prompt I used was,
"Take two years and call me when you're better," from the Fall Out Boy song "The Carpal Tunnel of Love." This may become a short story all on its own, though I already came up with a revision idea halfway through this prompt.


That was how she found herself on the same stretch of highway she'd driven all through college, going to visit him while he was at school. Every couple had certain places they'd visited together, that meant something special to them. She'd visit one of these, convince herself that she was going to have closure once this was all through.

Maybe someday he'd talke to her again. Just once, like they did before they dated, discussing the previous night's episode of Lost and what their theories for the season were. Or talk about the latest video games or funny videos on YouTube. Anything. As long as she got the boy she once knew back.

She could name all the exits on this highway in her sleep, she'd driven it so much while they were in college. Here she'd established herself as a fixture among his friends, in her own right, not just because she was his girlfriend. But that, too, was over. College ends, and everyone drifts away, even the people you never thought you'd never lose touch with.

It was like high school, only harder. After high school, there was college to look forward to, the promise of a new beginning and the adventures that went along with it. Now every day was just work, coming home to an empty apartment and wondering what the hell she'd done with her life.

She'd walked away from most of it.

Had she made a mistake?

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