Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday Writing Prompt: In Remembrance

The entertainment industry lost three greats last week: singer Michael Jackson, actress Farrah Fawcett, and emcee Ed McMahon. Everyone remembers people, even celebrities, differently; I choose to do so through writing. This week's prompt is actually a combination of three prompts, one for each celebrity. Maybe one will speak to you, much as they did in real life.

For MJ, the prompt is Thriller. Everyone's seen the classic music video, heard it on the radio, or know of the album of the same name. You could use the video or its lyrics as inspiration, or use the word "thriller" itself to spark your creativity. It's up to you; I chose it because it's my favorite of all his videos.

For the lovely Miss Fawcett, the prompt is swimsuit. We all know the iconic picture of Farrah, head tilted back, blond hair falling waves, that graced every teenage boy's wall in the 1970s and beyond. Let this image be your inspiration - in a creative way, of course. I see miles of shoreline and a trio of girls saying, "Hello, Charlie!" in the background.

For Ed McMahon, the prompt is sidekick. Ed's great claim to fame was working with Johnny Carson on the "Tonight Show," introducing him each night with a rousing, "Heeeeere's Johnny!" Watch some old clips - I'm sure there's some on YouTube, everything is on YouTube - and see if any of the jokes get your brain working.

The way I see it, I want to remember these people for the good things they did - not the scandals, the cancer, the financial woes. And the best way I know to honor their memory is through my writing. Maybe this will work for you, maybe it won't. I'll be back on Friday with something I hope lives up to what I have in mind.


Don't like this week's prompt? Check out previous ones through the Monday Writing Prompt tag.

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