Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday Blog Post: New Notebooks

I'll be the first to admit, I'm a creature of habit. I buy new things all the time - pens, journals, CDs, you name it - and I still go back to what I know works. I'm not sure if it's a comfort thing or what, but when I try something new, I freak out a little.

I'm doing this with notebooks, too.

In the last week and a half or so, I've changed two of my everyday notebooks: my kickaround notebook, which I discussed in last week's post, as well as my writing practice journal. Filling two notebooks within such a short span of each other is thrilling, no doubt. As is writing on the first blank page of a new journal - so full of promise and wonder and all that jazz people talk about but you never really believe until it actually happens.

My new kickaround notebook is a hardcover journal, with grid lines instead of lined paper. I'm adjusting to the grids better than I thought; it's helping me make sure my left margin stays in a straight line. What's bugging me is that I can't fold the cover back, like I could with my last notebook, which had a spiral for the spine. I'm used to folding it up and propping it up wherever I can to write, especially at work where there really isn't such thing as "desk space." I'm finding myself clearing away people's drinks just so I can get some room to set the journal down. I've had a few days, but it's still weird to me.

For the writing practice notebook, it's a big hardcover notebook from Borders, one of the basic black ones that's perpetually on clearance though they've had tons of them for years and years and years. This is the first time I've found something to even consider using that notebook for, so that's good. It's just - plain, for my tastes. I'm not sure how the spine is going to hold up when I'm filling page after page.

Maybe it's just me, being resistant to change. I don't want to let the slightest little thing ruin my writing experience, because I'm sure those thoughts are all in my head. We'll see how it goes over the course of the next few weeks.

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