Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday Writing Response for August 7, 2009

Okay, so first off: Character profiles turned out both good and bad. The good news, I did finish one complete profile - for a character completely outside of any story I'm currently working on. The bad news, Zeke's profile is started, but not finished. I'll admit, it's actually rather frustrating, the fact that the novel is no longer talking to me like it used to. I think it's been too long since I've worked on it consistently, not in fits and starts. Maybe it's time for another read through, just to refresh myself on the material. We'll see.

For now, I'm just going to post a bit from what I did get finished: descriptions of Zeke's appearance and personality. More so for my reference than anyone else, but I still find it interesting to get an in-depth look at a character, especially as a writer.


Physical Description: Zeke specializes in laid back. He's most at home in jeans and a t-shirt, just the right cut for his lean frame and you can be sure all his clothes are neat and clean. His hair is thick and dark; he always kept it long, past his shoulders. HIs mother, a hairstylist, finally convinced him to get a more modern cut. It now frames his face in shaggy layers, accenting his square jaw nicely. He does get a lot of glances his way for his looks, but Zeke is mostly oblivious to it.

Personality: Zeke straddles the fence between being completely spontaneous and erring on the side of caution. He's a "go with the flow" kind of guy, and he only worries about the big things - the state of his relationship with Emma he considers to be a big thing. Zeke tries to do the right thing by his friends, but he's always up for a little adventure. When it comes to people he doesn't know well or is just meeting for the first time, he tends to form an opinion quickly, and it takes a lot to change this first impression. He's also convinced that he's right, in most situations, so when it comes to arguing, he always wants to be the one who wins.

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