Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Writing Response for September 18, 2009

This week's prompt didn't work for me. Not given the week I've had with apartment searching and the trials and tribulations thereof. So, therefore, this week's response is a sample from my writing practice, which in itself is a feat, that I managed to get it done.

From the Imperial Story, very late in the storyline. It's hard to avoid spoilers with this one, but this may be part of a potential ending for the whole thing.


In the end, it was always about the war. About ensuring victory for our people, even when my father had a few minutes left to live. "We'll try," I choked out, barely able to force the words through my tightened throat.

"You will." Wakka smiled, just a little, a sight so rare that I'd forgotten what it looked like. At least I got to see it one last time. "I was wrong about you, girl. You're a perfect Warrior."

"The triplets will be too," Briyant murmured, sliding his hand off the wound, but still holding on to Wakka. "I'll finish what you started. I promise you."

Wakka nodded, eyes drifting closed. There was nothing more we could do for him, not with how much blood was pooling on the floor around us. "Thank you," he whispered. "Tell Rosaria I love her. That I'm sorry I didn't make it back. Give Salida a kiss for me." HIs voice was getting softer, each breath coming slower.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait until I can read this whole story the bits and pieces keep me interested...
